Last night I gave a seminar called Asking For Help. It’s unfortunate how many people in our industry see asking for help as an obstacle. When I ask, “How do you view asking for help?” common answers I get from my audience are I look needy, they’ll think I’m an amateur, or I’m opening myself up to being rejected. Others say that they think it’s inappropriate to talk business with their friends who are in the business or that because successful people have made it on their own, they have to also. Who made it alone?


For a moment forget about the business and think of a time when you helped someone just to be kind. It should be a time where your help was appreciated and you felt good about doing it. Perhaps you’re tall and helped someone short get a product off of the top shelf in a grocery store. Or you walked in a marathon for a cause. Maybe you took care of a neighbors plants or pet while they were away. Think about a time of your own… do you have one? Are you seeing that past situation through your own eyes feeling the feelings that you felt then knowing you had helped someone?
People like to help- it makes them feel good. Be professional and ask them for something they can say YES to. Allow people the joy that comes from being given the opportunity to give back. If you come across someone who doesn’t like to help, you probably don’t want to be working with that kind of person anyway. Don’t make it about you. Don’t take it personally.

Watch the movie CRASH and see how many people make the wrong assumptions.

Have compassion for others and for yourself.

Then go out and ask for what you want because it’s part of doing business!

I answer an Entertainment Industry Coach question, daily at